Under the hood: HTML5 or native? A guide

This post was also published on CNET and VentureBeat. Taking your site mobile is a technology minefield. Here's how we're doing it at CBS Interactive. The mobile technology landscape is incredibly confusing. There are numerous choices, ranging from new HTML5 technologies, native app development methods, and all sorts of content management systems. At CBS Interactive, we have numerous mobile solutions, including native apps for CBS.com, CNET, and "60 Minutes," along with mobile-optimized Web sites for GameFaqs and global properties like ZDnet. At first blush, it seems problematic that various properties have picked completely different architectures for mobile delivery. A technologist's initial inclination is to have everyone run a consistent architecture across all of our properties. Yet it actually makes sense to run a variety of architectures to support mobile delivery. The biggest issue to address is the ongoing tension between HTML5 and native. Most...