
Showing posts from November, 2015

If 87 Unicorns fell in the valley, would they make a sound?

This post was also published in VentureBeat. A lot of noise has been made about the inflated valuations of Aileen Lee’s unicorns and the amount of money they have raised. There are rumors that uber-unicorn Uber is now raising an additional $1 billion, in order to continue to fuel growth financed by losing a rumored two dollars for every dollar in revenue . On the one hand, that seems irrational; but on the other hand, loss-fueled growth is how companies like Amazon became the behemoths they are today. In the broader context of Silicon Valley technology companies, the unicorns in aggregate form barely a ripple in the fabric of space-time. According to CBInsights, there are 87 Unicorns in the United States , with a combined valuation of $312 billion. Cross-referenced with Crunchbase , those 87 have raised a cumulative $48 billion, with over half of that amount invested in the top 14 unicorns. What if all of these unicorns vanished to Candy Mountain tomorrow? What would the ra...